What To Do If You Have Lost Or Broken Your Locking Wheel Nut Key
We Can Identify Most Locking Wheel Nut Keys from a Clear Mobile Phone Image of one of the Security Wheel Nuts/Bolts on Your Wheel - No Wheel Nut Security Code Required!
Follow our 'STEP BY STEP GUIDE' below with Video Tutorial on 'How To Replace Your Locking Wheel Nut Key'. Go to our Shop Page and 'Buy Your Replacement Locking Wheel Nut Key Online'
Go to the 'SHOP' page to purchase your 'Locking Wheel Nut Key'. If you have a 'Security Key Code' you can enter it there. If you don't have a 'Security Key Code' follow 'STEP 2' & 3'

Take an image of one of your Security Nuts/Bolts on the wheel with your mobile phone. Take the image close-up and square-on, so that we can see the Security Pattern Clearly (e.g. image on the 'FAQ Page')

If you do NOT have a security key code; please take an image of your 'proof of keeper/driver' document and 'ID'. For a list of acceptable documents, please refer to the 'FAQ Page'
Email Your Images to: info@LWNK.co.uk - Quoting Your Order No. Given At Checkout

TOP TIP; If ordering via Security Key Code/Julian Code; take an image of one of the security nuts/bolts on the wheel - so that we can check that the wheel locks fitted match the security code given as the code is often incorrect or historic - Note: we do not require 'proof of keeper/driver or ID' if supplying the security key code
* Please note we can accept alternative 'Proof of Keeper or Ownership' documents besides the 'V5/Log Book'. For a full list of acceptable 'proof of keeper/ownership & ID' documents, go to our 'FAQ' page *